Pintasan Keyboard Untuk Windows dan Mac

Code Candil Kuya - Hallo Sobat Candil, di artikel kali ini saya akan berbagi tutorial Pintasan keyboard atau Keyboard Shortcuts yang sering digunakan dalam sistem operasi modern dan program perangkat lunak komputer.

Pintasan Keyboard Untuk Windows dan Mac

Mempelajari dan menggunakan pintasan keyboard dapat menghemat banyak waktu Anda.

Pintasan Dasar

No Description Windows Mac OS
1 Edit menu Alt + E Ctrl + F2 + F
2 File menu Alt + F Ctrl + F2 + E
3 View menu Alt + V Ctrl + F2 + V
4 Select all text Ctrl + A Cmd + A
5 Copy text Ctrl + C Cmd + C
6 Find text Ctrl + F Cmd + F
7 Find and replace text Ctrl + H Cmd + F
8 Open a file Ctrl + O Cmd + O
9 Print options Ctrl + P Cmd + P
10 Save file Ctrl + S Cmd + S
11 Paste text Ctrl + V Cmd + V
12 Cut text Ctrl + XCmd + X
13 Redo text Ctrl + Y Shift + Cmd + Z
14 Undo text Ctrl + Z Cmd + Z
15 New Document Ctrl + N Cmd + N

Pengeditan Text

No Description Windows Mac OS
Cursor Movement
1 Go to the right or to the beginning of next line break Right Arrow Right Arrow
2 Go to the left or to the end of previous line break Left Arrow Left Arrow
3 Go up one row Up Arrow Up Arrow
4 Go down one row Down Arrow Down Arrow
5 Go to the beginning of the current line Home Cmd + Left Arrow
6 Go to the end of the current line End Cmd + Right Arrow
7 Go to the beginning of the document Ctrl + Home Cmd + Up Arrow
8 Go to the end of the document Ctrl + End Cmd + Down Arrow
9 Move up one frame Page Up Fn + Up Arrow
10 Move down one frame Page Down Fn + Down Arrow
11 Go to beginning of previous word Ctrl + Left Arrow Option + Left Arrow
12 Go to beginning of next word Ctrl + Right ArrowOption + Right Arrow
13 Go to beginning of line break Ctrl + Up Arrow Cmd + Left Arrow
14 Go to end of line break Ctrl + Down Arrow Cmd + Right Arrow

Text Selection

No Description Windows Mac OS
1 Select characters to the left Shift + Left Arrow Shift + Left Arrow
2 Select characters to the right Shift + Right Arrow Shift + Right Arrow
3 Select lines upwards Shift + Up Arrow Shift + Up Arrow
4 Select lines downwards Shift + Down Arrow Shift + Down Arrow
5 Select words to the left Shift + Ctrl + Left Shift + Opt + Left
6 Select words to the right Shift + Ctrl + Right Shift + Opt + Right
7 Select paragraphs to the left Shift + Ctrl + Up Shift + Opt + Up
8 Select paragraphs to the right Shift + Ctrl + Down Shift + Opt + Down
9 Select text between the cursor and the beginning of the current line Shift + Home Cmd + Shift + Left Arrow
10 Select text between the cursor and the end of the current line Shift + End Cmd + Shift + Right Arrow
11 Select text between the cursor and the beginning of the document Shift + Ctrl + Home Cmd + Shift + Up Arrow or Cmd + Shift + Fn + Left Arrow
12 Select text between the cursor and the end of the document Shift + Ctrl + EndCmd + Shift + Down Arrow or Cmd + Shift + Fn + Right Arrow
13 Select one frame at a time of text above the cursor Shift + Page Up Shift + Fn + Up Arrow
14 Select one frame at a time of text below the cursor Shift + Page Down Shift + Fn + Down Arrow
15 Select all text Ctrl + A Cmd + A
16 Find text Ctrl + F Cmd + F

Text Formatting

1 Make selected text bold Ctrl + B Cmd + B
2 Make selected text italic Ctrl + I Cmd + I
3 Underline selected text Ctrl + U Cmd + U
4 Make selected text superscript Ctrl + Shift + = Cmd + Shift + =
5 Make selected text subscript Ctrl + = Cmd + =

Text Editing

1 Delete characters to the left Backspace Backspace
2 Delete characters to the right Delete Fn + Backspace
3 Delete words to the right Ctrl + Del Cmd + Backspace
4 Delete words to the left Ctrl + BackspaceCmd + Fn + Backspace
5 Indent Tab Tab
5 Outdent Shift + Tab Shift + Tab
5 Copy text Ctrl + C Cmd + C
5 Find and replace text Ctrl + H Cmd + F
5 Paste text Ctrl + V Cmd + V
5 Cut text Ctrl + X Cmd + X
5 Redo text Ctrl + Y Shift + Cmd + Z
5 Undo text Ctrl + Z Cmd + Z


Silahkan Disimak dan dipelajari beberapa Pintasan Keyboard Untuk Windows dan Mac di atas, semoga dokumentasi diatas bisa bermanfaat untuk pengunjung blog Code Candil Kuya, Jangan Lupa Bagikan Kepada teman atau kerabat tercinta.

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