Gradients Collection Preview With HTML and CSS
Candil Code - Hallo Sobat Developers kembali lagi di blog saya yang sangat sederhana ini, hari ini kita akan belajar web design mebuat Gradients Collection Preview sebuah tutorial pemrograman dasar hanya menggunakan CSS dan HTML yang bisa dijadikan refferensi pembelajaran untuk anda para pengunjung setia blog dan juga youtube channel Candil Code, Silahkan di simak dan perhatikan baik-baik code di bawah ini.
How to Create Gradients Collection Preview
const gradients = [
'00bd56', 'f9fd50',
'26baee', '9fe8fa',
'8f71ff', '8bffff',
'c7004c', 'ffaaaa',
'55968f', '8acbbb',
'226b80', '35b0ab',
'3d6cb9', '00fff0',
'4d3664', 'bab5f6',
'fa4659', 'e9007f',
'00b7c2', '4ef037',
'303481', 'a100ff',
'fc8a15', 'fff6a2',
'f9d00f', 'fbff64',
'295e6a', '4797b1',
'ff0592', 'ffbee3',
- const length = gradients.length / 2;
- for ( let i = 0; i < length; i++ )
- const start = `#${ gradients[ 2 * i ] }`;
- const end = `#${ gradients[ 2 * i + 1 ] }`;
li.item-gradient( style={ '--start': start, '--end': end } )
p.start #{ start }
p.end #{ end }
@import url('');
// Variables
$color-background: #3c415e;
$color-border: #738598;
$color-color: #1cb3c8;
$color-hover: #dfe2e2;
$color-shadow: darken( $color-background, 25% );
$degrees-gradient: 45deg;
$size-gradient: ( 100%, 70% );
$size-text: ( 100%, auto );
$size-font: 1.35em;
$size-min: 200px;
$size-max: 300px;
$size-scrollbar: 7.5px;
$space: 10px;
$border: thick solid $color-border;
$shadow: 0 0 $space 0 $color-shadow;
// Mixins
@mixin size ( $w: null, $h: null )
width: $w;
height: $h;
@mixin box-size ( $s )
@include size( $s, $s );
@mixin scrollbar ( $size, $coord: y )
overflow: hidden;
overflow-#{ $coord }: scroll;
scroll-behavior: smooth;
// Mozilla Firefox
scrollbar-color: $color-color $color-background;
scrollbar-width: thin;
// Scrollbar
@include size( $size );
// Track
color: $color-color;
background-color: $color-background;
// Handle
color: $color-color;
background-color: $color-color;
border-radius: $size;
// Rules for devices with mouse here
@media ( pointer: fine )
// Mozilla Firefox
scrollbar-color: $color-background $color-background;
// Track
color: $color-color;
background-color: $color-background;
// Handle
color: $color-color;
background-color: $color-background;
// Mozilla Firefox
scrollbar-color: $color-color $color-background;
// Handle
background-color: $color-color;
background-color: $color-hover
// Extends
@include box-size( 100% );
display: flex;
align-items: center;
justify-content: center;
// Reset
box-shadow: none;
outline: 0;
margin: 0;
border: 0;
padding: 0;
box-sizing: border-box;
font-family: 'Quicksand', sans-serif;
// Layout
html { @include size( 100vw, 100vh ) }
body { @extend %full-size }
ul { list-style: none }
@extend %full-size, %flex-center;
overflow: hidden;
padding: $space;
padding-left: 2 * $space;
background: $color-background;
@extend %full-size;
@include scrollbar( $size-scrollbar );
display: flex;
flex-wrap: wrap;
justify-content: space-evenly;
@include size( auto, calc( 100vh - 4 * #{ $space } ) );
display: flex;
flex-direction: column;
justify-content: space-between;
align-items: center;
flex: 1 1 auto;
min-width: $size-min;
max-width: $size-max;
padding: 2 * $space;
margin: $space;
border: $border;
border-radius: $space;
box-shadow: $shadow;
transition: border-color .35s ease-in-out;
border-color: $color-color;
@media ( min-height: 500px )
@include size( auto, calc( 50vh - 3 * #{ $space } ) );
@include size( $size-gradient... );
background: linear-gradient( $degrees-gradient, var( --start ), var( --end ) );
border-radius: $space;
@extend %flex-center;
@include size( $size-text... );
justify-content: space-between;
font-weight: bold;
font-size: $size-font;
letter-spacing: .1em;
color: $color-color;
transition: color .35s ease-in-out;
margin-top: $space;
&:hover { color: $color-hover }
@extend %flex-center;
@include box-size( $size-font );
content: '';
border-radius: 50%;
.start::before { background: var( --start ) }
.end::before { background: var( --end ) }
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